my morning routine


the older i get, the more i love mornings. i used to be that kind of person that COULD NOT UNDERSTAND you morning people. how could you possibly rise before the sun?! i had ONE 8am class in college, and let’s just say i scraped by in that one since i barely made it to the actual class. how was i ever going to have a real 9-5?

fast forward to a few years later when i got my life together, and now i LOVE having a morning routine. granted, i use the word ‘routine’ loosely, but there are a few key things i like to do within the first two hours of waking up. during the work week, i try to get up between 5a-5:30a [i know, it’s early].

  1. work out: i typically walk on my treadmill and catch up on reality shows + pinterest for 30 minutes. pre-logan, i used to do an hour a day on the treadmill, but now i find i can get in all of those steps that i want (10k AT LEAST) running around during the day. since i work in downtown MPLS, there’s a 7-10 minute walk to/from my car, the running from floor to floor for meetings, sometimes building to building, so i am able to make up some steps that way.
  2. get ready: i shower at night and wash my hair every other day, so this really cuts down on my getting ready time. i usually spend 20-30 minutes getting myself beautified before moving on to…
  3. getting dressed: i try to have my outfits picked out the night before. i say outfits because i usually pull out a few at a time, and depending on how my bod feels that day [bloated, svelte, tan, pasty, etc.], i’ll choose something pre-selected. one huge factor in what i wear is how much i’ll be sitting/standing/walking at work, which dictates the shoes. the shoes then choose the outfit. if i can get away with it, i try not to bring a spare pair of flats just because it’s one more thing to add to my already packed work bag, but if i am worried about blisters/sore feet, i will definitely toss a pair in my bag. i also tell myself, since there is a Target connected to our office, that i can run down and buy a pair of comfy shoes if mine are really killer, but oddly enough it rarely comes to that. i typically buy them regardless of how my feet feel 😉 . #shoesshoesshoes
  4. wake joey up, try not to wake logan up, grab my bags and out the door! i have a 60-75 minute drive [one way!] to work, so i try and be on the road by or before 6:29a. [weird, i know, but i feel like if i can beat that time i miss majority of the traffic]. on a good day this will put me downtown by 7:30a, and in my desk by 7:40a. time permitting, i stop for coffee at the local gas station. there are zero chain coffee shops on my commute, so i’m the only cool one walking through my office with a good ‘ol gas station coffee.

Here are a few things i’d categorize under ‘wellness’ that i try and remember to do every morning:
– take my probiotics. i have been taking the TULA probiotics since i read this review of them, and i believe they’re helping keep my system in check. could be the placebo affect, but it can’t hurt, right?
– apple cider vinegar. all of my fave wellness gurus rave about it’s benefits, so i hopped aboard that train real quick.
– i just started taking ritual vitamins! i should really care about what’s in them, but i really just love that there’s a tab of peppermint oil in the bottle so it doesn’t taste gross. aesthetics, people.
– tongue scraping! sounds weird, it’s really refreshing. not familiar? read this post or listen to this podcast.

what is your morning routine? i’d LOVE to know! i’m obsessed with routines of all sorts, so i like to take a little from everyone that shares to add to mine. comment on my latest insta, or comment below!

oh, and thanks for reading! i SO appreciate that you take time out of your busy lives to stop by my little piece of the internet. much love.

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