not really, but it feels like it some days. i get you, regina george.

gender?: baby boy. i know, i feel like i need to just take this question off of here, but if you’re new and joining in on the baby fun, welcome! i’m having a boy, due mid-may, and planning on a scheduled c-section around mother’s day. [and no, i don’t feel like i’m missing out on anything by having another c-section, no i’m not sad, and yes, i decided to follow my highly qualified doc’s reco to not try and push another child out only to have it result in another emergency c-section. but that’s a post for another day :)]
cravings/aversions?: back on the peanut butter bandwagon. i’ve been trying to intermittent fast [again, i checked with my doc on this], but i keep getting up in the middle of the night to eat peanut butter/nut butter. for some reason i keep waking up STARVING, and this is what hits the spot. nut butter followed by sparkling water — it’s the BEST. also i realize how gross that sounds now that i type it out, but ya know, #pregoprobs
maternity clothes?: pants for sure. i’m hitting the stage where my tops won’t fully fit over the bump, so i’m having to get more and more creative in what i wear. i can’t bring myself to wear some variation of the typical, ruched maternity top everyday, so i’m getting real, real creative. [i’ve also been trying to get better about documenting my outfits, since i get the feedback that a lot of you are like me and don’t enjoy spending buckoo bucks on maternity clothes you can only wear so long. i’ll have another outfits lately post coming soon!]
workouts?: still walking. i’m also trying to do a better job of sticking to the faster way to fat loss [not a fan of the name, but love the intermittent fasting / carb cycling / macro tracking principles] pregnancy program, so that i’m able to have sustainable energy. that being said, i was sick all last week so my energy took a nosedive, but i was consistent in my workouts at least!
weight gain?: 27 pounds – back up, but i feel like this kid has grown [or the bump, or just me overall], so i’m 0% surprised about that. i’m feeling large, and like 13 weeks is a long way off and a lot of time for this guy to grow!
rings on or off?: on! again, the swelling is concentrated in my lower half.
emotions?: other than being knocked down a peg by the guy i work with that hopped in the elevator the other day going “whoa, you really ARE pregnant!” i’ve felt pretty good.
any other weird symptoms?: back pain, hip pain, and what i was afraid were contractions the other day, but i think were just baby sitting on a nerve. this little mini-vacay to florida couldn’t come at a better time … i am ready for a little rest and relaxation. and SUN!

thanks again for following along on this journey! i appreciate each and every one of you 🙂