hi! i know i’ve been promising this post for a while now, so here’s what we plan on bringing to the hospital when we go in for our planned c-section. i had a hard time finding other lists online that were related to c-sections, so i’m hoping this will be helpful for those of you in the same position i am. i’ll be updating it after the fact with what we actually used. note: we were induced with logan and assumed we would be spending your standard two days in the hospital, and ended up there for five. i actually don’t remember a ton from that experience, so i’m really more like a first-time mom here 🙂
- 2 button down tops
- 3 nursing bras
- 2 button down pj nightgowns
- 2 sets of pj’s [one short sleeve with shorts, one long sleeve with pants]
- 2 robes
- 1 nursing tank
- a couple of pair of nice, high-waisted undies [i say “nice” as in, feels nice. i just bought a couple new pair from target that i don’t care if they get ruined, because you still bleed even with a c-section. i just want something that feels nice over the incision and won’t rub against it]
- belly binder [my doc has a giant ace bandage to go around your mid-section that she has all of her c-section patients use, and that’s what i used last time, but i figured i’d bring this one i’ve had since i had logan just incase]

toiletries + nursing products
- makeup [i remember feeling like an absolute troll last time, and i want to get away from that. call it superficial, but look good, feel good]
- curling iron [i have one of my friends coming to do fresh 48 pics, and again, look good, feel good]
- shampoo + conditioner
- brush
- lotion
- makeup remover wipes
- scrunchies
- chapstick! so much chapstick.
- jade roller — i am assuming i’m going to have plenty of water retention, so whatever i can do to help combat that!
- nursing pads
- nipple shield [these were a hot topic amongst our nurses last time, but it pretty much saved our breastfeeding experience the first time around]
- nursing pads
- wedding ring + necklace [the one that has both kids name’s on it! see more here] my hospital doesn’t allow me to wear jewelry during surgery, so i’ll be making sure to have all of that packed inn my bag
electronics + extras
- computer + charger
- cell phone charger
- extra long extension cord [we used this last time and it was clutch]
- camera, camera bag, and charger
- snacks! i packed beef jerky, protein bars, individual bags of nuts, amongst other things
- empty reusable bags – totally bringing home all the extras as far as diapers, wipes, and c-section incision recovery items.
if all goes as planned, by the time this post goes live, we should be getting ready to meet our little guy. what a great way to spend mother’s day weekend, huh? 🙂