i get questions/comments quite often along the lines of “how the heck do you find so many *insert print/style* pieces?” and “wow, you sure do have a lot of *insert print/style*!” normally it’s camo, polka dots, or leopard. let’s use leopard for the sake of today’s exercise.
it’s not by chance that i have so many leopard pieces. why leopard? it’s a neutral, according to jenna lyons, and i’m so about it. but that’s a post for another day. anyways, not by chance. i have a couple of things i do to ensure that i find cute, wearable, and unique-but-not-weird leopard pieces to my wardrobe.
- i search, and search often. i have my go-to list of sites i’m always looking at [j.crew, athleta, nordstrom, target, madewell to name a few] and i will pop on and check new arrivals often. that keeps me up to date on what i can expect to see in-store as well as on the street.
- i shop in-store. in an age where so much of what people are buying is online, i’m still one of those people that enjoys shopping in a physical store. target especially.
- i follow influencers whose style i like. odds are if i like their style, they’ll be sharing things similar to what i’m looking for. case in point: kathleen barnes of carrie bradshaw lied had a couple of leopard dresses in her ‘wishlist wednesday’ post, and now they are sitting in my virtual cart. done and done.
- i use liketoknow.it and shopstyle to figure out where influencers are buying things.
- i search. like, literally. i pop into the nike site and search “leopard print” and see what sweet sneaks pop up. this is probably my best tip of all: just search for what you are looking for. patterns/styles are tagged accordingly on most sites, so by searching the keyword of what you are looking for, you are likely to pull up everything they have to offer in that style/color/print.

there you have it! currently i’m on the hunt for snakeskin prints, and with these tips i was able to find some super cute pieces that i’m excited to wear for the last half of summer and into fall. it feels good to find what you are looking for, amiright?
happy tuesday, friends 🙂