probiotics 101

photos by maria lloyd photography

you guys, you might be doing it wrong. and by “you,” i mean me. see, i thought i was doing everything right, taking my probiotics in the morning like the good, slightly woo woo, health-conscious-but-not-obsessed millennial i am. until i stumbled upon this article, which now has me rethinking everything i ever thought i knew about health and wellness. ok, that is a little dramatic. but it has me doing a little more research on my probiotics, and how i can better incorporate them so that i get maximum benefit.

let’s take a step back, though, shall we, and discuss probiotics as a whole. i’ve taken a few different brands over the course of my relatively recent wellness journey [2ish years, at this point], and there are two that i have settled into taking daily. i take tula probiotics and sakara probiotics. if i had to pick one over the other, i would highly recommend the tula ones, only because i have been using them longer and truly believe that they have helped not only my digestion, but my hair/skin/nails, too. read more about my overall routines here and here.

*this post is not sponsored, i just think that highly of these products!*

check out the tula website for more info

but why, though? why would you want to add one more thing to your daily routine? i’ll tell you why. your bod is full of bugs, good and bad. now, before you go getting all itchy on me, they aren’t the kind of bugs you are picturing. you have good and bad bacteria in your body, and probiotics help amp up the good guys. they help improve digestion, nutrient absorption, and, if you find the right one, help with bloating. #winning, right?

let’s flash back to a few days ago, when i was taking my probiotics in the morning as i got ready. i could have sworn that i read somewhere that taking probiotics on an empty stomach was a surefire way to ensure that they all dropped down into the digestive tract where they belonged, unharmed and fully alive, ready to do their job. i came across this article that basically says you should take probiotics right before you eat, and preferably with food that compliments them and aids them in getting to the digestive tract. now, if you read this article, it says that you should take the probiotics 30ish minutes before a meal, so that you bypass the stomach acids that increase during food consumption. both make sense to me, and as someone who has been taking them on a very empty stomach, i am going to try taking them before bed at night [post meals] for a period of time, and before lunch for a some time, and report back!

again, i highly, HIGHLY recommend the tula probiotics if you are looking for an easy, low risk way to amp up your wellness game. if you’re curious and want to try them, click here for 20% off your purchase! let me know what you think — i’m curious to hear other people’s experience with probiotics!

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