clean up: your diet – the fab4smoothie

happy monday, friends! in keeping with the “back to school” feels around my house, i’m focusing on cleaning up a few key areas of my life. today i’m talking about one easy “hack” that can improve your overall well-being, so easily. this whole week will be dedicated to “clean” in the sense of creating little areas of order in your chaotic life. because let’s face it, eating clean, having a clean home, clean products, and an overall “clean” life is just plain hard. but there are little things we can do everyday to help improve our day-to-day life.

i’ve mentioned before that i went down a rabbit hole reading blogs and incorporating “wellness” into my life while i was on maternity leave. i’m actually a little bummed i didn’t discover kelly leveque sooner in my extensive googling + blog reading, because i really feel like i could have benefited from her fab4smoothie recipes while i was breastfeeding and trying to drop the initial baby weight + keep milk supply going strong. oh well, next time!

anyways, i originally heard kelly interviewed on this podcast, and i can safely say my life was forever changed. ok, a touch dramatic, but i have listened to every podcast kelly has been on and read [well, listened to] her book as well. the girl is GOOD. you can find out more about her here, but let’s just say not only is she qualified in her own right, but she’s jessica alba // molly sims // chelsea handler’s nutritionist. i can get on board with whatever she is saying.

kelly has a “fab 4 smoothie” recipe that she recommends everyone incorporating into their diet, and it has been a game changer. it’s based on protein, fat, fiber, and greens. [this plays into all meals, but the smoothie is really built on these]. technically the greens are a ‘nice to have’ and a beauty add, but they don’t bother me, and i like the green color, so i add them every time. i typically do some sort of variation of the below for my smoothie:

vanilla or peanut butter protein powder. i have been using vega or the tone it up versions. protein is beneficial for a number of reasons, but odds are we aren’t getting enough of it, as women. this smoothie is an easy way to add some protein easily!

i typically use almond butter or cashews, but you can use avocado, MCT oil, coconut oil, or any other healthy fat. kelly’s recipes usually call for 1TB, but i’ll sometimes use 2 if i know the smoothie needs to keep me going for a while. the fat keeps you full and turns off hunger hormones.

this can be chia seeds, acacia fiber, phyllium husk, etc. fiber has numerous benefits, including keeping you full, keeping things running smoothly, and keeping your blood sugar levels, well, level. bonus: it helps lower cholesterol.

again, the “beauty add”, but it is easy enough to add a handful of spinach to your smoothie and you won’t even taste it. the greens are full of phytonutrients, gut healing pre-biotics, and all kinds of vitamins. pro tip: add in frozen spinach or kale in lieu of ice.

there you have it! i keep mine pretty basic, sometimes adding in a half of a frozen banana or blueberries for added fiber/nutrients + flavor. these smoothies keep me FULL, like good full, for hours. some of my fave #girlboss ladies swear by these as their breakfast, keeping them full well past lunch. rachel hollis is one of those ladies – hear kelly interviewed on her podcast. for me, i feel like these smoothies give me a sense of routine and normalcy in my crazy busy life. i can count on them to come with me on the go, wherever i am going. i’ve chatted with some of you guys on instagram about these smoothies – let me know if you’ve tried it! kelly gets super creative with some of her recipes, so i’d love to hear what you guys are making! it’s high time i spice things up and get more creative with mine. let me know on insta or leave a comment here on ‘ze blog.

as always, thanks for reading!

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