17 week bumpdate: sayonara, belts.

how far along?: 17 weeks! these past few have flown by … can’t believe we are nearly halfway!

physically, how are you feeling?: better! joey even commented that it seems like i have more energy. things are cruising right along right now. i am starting to get those weird stretching pains in my abdomen, but my belly is growing so that i’m going to rival santa here shortly, so that’s not that weird.

gender?: #babypunch2.0 is a boy

cravings/aversions?: finally getting back to eating #allthethings. poor joey told me he’s scared to make dinner unless i tell him what to make, due to my weird aversions the first half of this pregnancy [this is after i *possibly irrationally* told him that he could “feel free to make dinner” since he had the audacity to ask what we had on hand he could make]. so, everything’s back on the table. literally.

emotions?: cried again at the national anthem, still don’t think this is a pregnancy thing. i also cried during Sing! after a few of the performances. that i’m going to blame on hormones. at least i’m getting happy tears. joey might say i’m a little sassier or have little patience, but i’ve been much sassy with no patience from the get-go. again, not sure we can chalk that up to hormones.

maternity clothes?: whoa yeah. time to get some maternity jeans. if you see a front-tuck, know that i’m doing my absolute best to hold onto those, because the days are more and more limited. i wore a dress on monday that clearly showed my baby bump, and one of my sweet, sweet coworkers told me “you are HARDLY showing!” bless you, girl.

workouts?: walking + trying to incorporate some strength [it’s something i’m trying to maintain for the month of december, in the hopes that the habit sticks into the new year!] i just got myself some heavier weights and better resistance bands, and have been queuing up some prenatal fitness vids. i’ll link a few of my faves in a later post i have planned!

weight gain?: chya. just, chya.

any other weird symptoms?: those pesky headaches again! trying to roll with it since the only time i’ve ever really taken any sort of OTC med and deemed them to work was when i had my c-section and decided to forego the pain pills in lieu of just tylenol/motrin. [you can do it! a c-section with no pain meds is TOTALLY possible, guys]

feeling even more grateful than ever this week. i hope i never give off the impression that i am not 100% aware, grateful, and thankful that i have this opportunity. the ability to not only be a mom, but carry yet another beautiful baby, is one i don’t take lightly. logan is at such a fun age that i cannot wait [but i can! time slow down] for her sibling to get here and her to get a built-in best friend. until then, we will be over here working on the whole “little brother” concept. “logan, you know who mom’s little brother is? uncle matt” “uncle matt! see [facetime] uncle matt!” we get distracted pretty easily 🙂

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